Neuro-Zone and Politecnico di Milano have been selected as beneficiaries for the ERC-2019-PoC Grant DIANA – Organ-on-a-chip Drug screenIng device to tArget braiN disease
An overview
The number of patients affected by brain diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s is expected to grow significantly in the next decades.
The critical point in the slow development of new drugs is a three-phase process that currently requires 10-15 years and investment of EUR 1-3 billion, and a high failure rate of about 99.6% for Alzheimer’s.
The very high percentage of failure is based on a low quality of biological target validation assays, due to the blood-brain barrier (BBB) and the complexity of brain physiology making brain disease modelling a challenging task.
The project
The EU-funded project DIANA aims to demonstrate the technical and commercial feasibility of the integrated BBB-brain model in vitro, based on patented organ-on-a-chip technology, providing the basis for a new generation of innovative devices.
DIANA combines solid technological expertise and in-depth market knowledge provided by a consortium comprised of academic and industrial partners.