Together, we're pushing the boundaries of scientific knowledge and forging new paths in drug discoveryOur added values

Our team of talented post-doctoral scientists excels in multiple disciplines of preclinical research, including cancer, neurodegenerative diseases and autoimmune disorders.
Since the beginning of our story 15 years ago, we have passionately dedicated ourselves to basic and applied internal research, to benefit not only contract projects, but also all our partners within the scientific community.
We believe collaboration is key to succeed.
Over the years we have built a local and international network of academic and industry partners, we have driven countless research initiatives, and we have been awarded many research grants.
Research Projects
Regione autonoma Valle d'Aosta, bando “Aggregazioni R&S Salute” - SaluteDerm, promuovere la salute della pelle attraverso l’innovazione e la ricerca dermatologica.2019
RC PoC 2019: DIANA - Organ-on-a-chip Drug screenIng device to tArget braiN diseAse; project ID 8994312017
- Regione Lombardia “Investments for growth” - Platform for identification of drug targets in the treatment of brain diseases and oncological diseases - Progetto NEON: piattaforma per l'identificazione di Target di rilevanza farmacologica per il trattamento di Patologie del sistema nervoso e oncologiche ad elevato bisogno di cure.
- Regione Lombardia “Investments for growth” - Development and validation of innovative cellular models for Parkinson Disease with human neurons derived from reprogrammed stem cells (GenePark).