Cell Phenotyping platform uses FACS - Fluorescence-Activated Cell Sorting - to support pre-clinical and clinical PoC studies in immunology, cancer research,stem cell studies, and various other fields where understanding and isolating specific cell populations is crucial.
Thanks to this platform it is possible to investigate the heterogeneity of cellular populations and gain insights into the roles of different cell types in biological processes and diseases.
a brief review of our platform
Cell Phenotyping
PBMC analysis of subpopulations
Cell supernatant analysis
Cell sorting
Functional assays
Cell Phenotyping
CD62E expression on endothelial cells unstimulated (left panel) and stimulated with TNFa (middle panel). Histograms display PE-G586 fluorescence intensity before (in green) and after (in red) TNFa stimulation.
Intracellular Staining
Interferon-g production in CD4+ lymphocytes upon stimulation with PMA/Ionomycin. Representative FACS plots of gating strategy for CD14- CD4+ cells (upper panels). Intracellular staining for Interferon-g in unstimulated cells (i), and PMA/Iono activated cells in absence (ii) or presence of immunomodulator (iii) (lower panels).
Microvesicle or Exosome Analysis
Microvesicle sorting
Plasma EVs
Plasma-derived and Tears-derived EVs stained with Violet 450 dye. In the left panels, the dimensional gate identifies EVs with 180-900 nm size. In the right panels, the gate shows fluorescently stained EVs population.
Tears EVs
Representative sorting layout for Plasma EVs
Gating strategy for EVs sorting. Different EVs populations were identified by immunostaining for specific markers.
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